As the game is currently in Beta stage, there may be minor bugs. Do help us by reporting these bugs to us. Furthermore, this game is completed in only 4 weeks by one person, with some help from really great friends. I am but a psychology student at a diploma level, who has never taken any art or programming classes. Therefore, the quality is not of a professional game's quality, but a lot of effort has been put into this game.
(Trigger Warning: Acts of abuse will be depicted in the game)
To download the game, please help us do a little
pre-game questionnaire first. After completing the questionnaire, you will then be directed to the download link.
After playing the game, please do help us by completing the
post-game questionnaire. (
My chances of being a psychologist is in your hands now)
The game only runs on windows, unfortunately.
Current version: Beta 1.2 as of 22 June 2015